Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Survivors of TBI Support Group

The purpose of the location is for survivors of TBIs or friends and families of TBIs can get together and communicate. The island also provides games to help stimulate the brain, such as memorization and strategic exercises. Jaime Giampapa, Rochelle Casavant, Sunyoung Kim(sunny), crystal seto

There are also parts of the island that give a visitor the opportunity to donate to help the TBI. So, not only is this a location for learning, but it is also a location for socialization.
When we first arrived, we thought the environment was very inviting and beautiful. There was a waterfall and great landscaping. We really liked the “brain games” that we could play and also the dance club. We were wondering where everyone was so that we could have a dance party, but we were the only ones there! There was also a group that visitors could join that will send notifications of dances and other updates.
Since we were the only ones on the island, we thought that they could promote their group, so they can get their word out. This is the only improvement we identified.

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